
In the book “Eat, Pray, Love” there is a scene where Elizabeth Gilbert and her Italy friends are having a meal discussing the idea of every city–every person–having a word.

I think anyone who has ever read the book or watched the movie has pondered what their word might be, and possibly discovered what their word is.

My word is Writer. It is not what I do, it is who I am. It’s not my favorite hobby or pastime. It’s not my career. It is the only completely unchangeable part of myself.It is my surest form of expression, and more often my only release. It is the deepest darkest part of myself. The part I am ashamed to show the world.

Being a “Writer” differs entirely from the act and production of writing. The mentality of a writer, the constant analyzing, the over thinking, casting people in your life as characters, imagining what will happen around every corner, daydreaming and night-dreaming and every dreaming in between.

It consumes you.

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